Living long with TBI: A lifelong relationship with resilience and rehabilitation (February 15, 2022)

Living long with TBI: A lifelong relationship with resilience and rehabilitation (February 15, 2022)


Presented by: Mathew Hill

Modern medicine has progressed in preserving life when it otherwise would have been lost. The rehabilitation disciplines are, as a result, is increasingly faced with the challenges of assisting survivors of injury, trauma, and long-term conditions find not only success and meaning in their lives, but also with coming to grips with their own identity and how they fit into the world around them.

This webinar will address potential personal and intrapersonal impediments to accepting changes to the self and incorporating new memory and cognition modalities, as well as the issues surrounding loss of self and previous capacity and identity, following a traumatic brain injury. The value and benefit from having buy-in and support from family, friends, and co-workers will be described. The webinar will share new pharmacological-based investigations towards addressing and managing dysexecutive issues involving emotional/behavioural, impulse-control, as well as cognition. Ways for increasing awareness and insight will be explored to capitalize on neural re-wiring for coding self-monitoring, self-control, and awareness.

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Discuss and address the subtler and more difficult personal issues/deficits experienced by traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors that are difficult to quantify, describe, and measure by a more single-dimensional medical perspective.
  2. Explore ways for engaging TBI survivors to help describe, understand, and ultimately accept the changes brought about by the TBI injury.
  3. Address issues of non-compliance, denial, and resistance from friends and family of TBI survivors.

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice)

Mathew Hill
Option individuelle ou de groupe
Âge des clients
Enfants (5 à 12 ans)
Adolescents (13 à 19 ans)
Adultes (20 à 64 ans)
Personnes âgées (65 ans et +)
Champs de pratique
Lésion cérébrale/Commotion cérébrale/Lésion médullaire
Éducation des partenaires de soins/membres de la famille
Enseignement et supervision de stages
Promotion de la santé et du bien-être
Réadaptation après un accident de la route
Assistant(e) de l'ergothérapeute
Retour au travail
Durée approximative
1 heure
Renseignements importants
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