Showcasing the scope of occupational therapy services to address social determinants of health among older adult populations (November 22, 2022)

Showcasing the scope of occupational therapy services to address social determinants of health among older adult populations (November 22, 2022)


Presented by: Lisa Juckett 

Social determinants of health are considered to be the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age. In other words, these determinants heavily influence people's participation in occupations, highlighting the important role occupational therapy can play in addressing social determinants of health.

This webinar will provide an overview of the five social determinants of health: education access and quality, healthcare access and quality, economic stability, social and community context, and the neighbourhood and built environment. The impact of these five areas on the lives of community-dwelling older adults will be explored, with specific emphasis on those who receive community-based social services (e.g., home-delivered meals) - a group of older adults at high risk for health decline who could greatly benefit from occupational therapy services.

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Define the five social determinants of health (SDOHs).
  2. Identify 1-2 opportunities for occupational therapy practitioners to address SDOHs.
  3. Understand the benefit of occupational therapy among high-risk older adult populations who receive community-based social services.

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice)

Lisa Juckett 
Option individuelle ou de groupe
Âge des clients
Personnes âgées (65 ans et +)
Champs de pratique
Défense des droits et des intérêts
Gestion des maladies chroniques
Équité et justice
Promotion de la santé et du bien-être
Évaluation et la modification du domicile
Durée approximative
1 heure
Renseignements importants
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