The role of the occupational therapist in pediatric functional defecation disorders (October 5, 2021)

The role of the occupational therapist in pediatric functional defecation disorders (October 5, 2021)


Presented by: Isabelle Beaudry-Bellefeuille

Occupational therapists are often called upon to help children who have challenges with participation in age-appropriate toileting routines. Bowel control and personal hygiene are important activities of daily living (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2008). Problems in these areas may limit independence and individual social participation. The acquisition of voluntary continence of the intestine, as well as independence in hygiene are considered important milestones of childhood.

A systematic, data-driven approach to clinical reasoning in pediatric functional defecation disorders is seldom used. This webinar will explore an approach to aid in the identification of underlying factors that contribute to toileting difficulties (incontinence, constipation, stool withholding, toilet refusal) and discuss the possible interventions to address both the underlying issues as well as age-appropriate participation in toileting. 

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Understand the factors involved in pediatric functional defecation disorders (incontinence, constipation, stool withholding, toilet refusal).
  2. Understand how occupational therapists can be involved in the assessment and intervention of pediatric toileting challenges.

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice

Isabelle Beaudry-Bellefeuille
Option individuelle ou de groupe
Âge des clients
Jeunes enfants (0 à 4 ans)
Enfants (5 à 12 ans)
Champs de pratique
Autisme et neurodiversité
Éducation des partenaires de soins/membres de la famille
Déficience développementale
Dysphagie et les troubles digestifs
Promotion de la santé et du bien-être
Santé mentale
Assistant(e) de l'ergothérapeute
Soins primaires
Intégration et traitement sensoriels
Durée approximative
1 heure
Renseignements importants
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