Supporting client-centred, interdisciplinary approaches to building fall prevention skills among full-time wheelchair & scooter users: Best practices (March 8, 2022)

Supporting client-centred, interdisciplinary approaches to building fall prevention skills among full-time wheelchair & scooter users: Best practices (March 8, 2022)


Presented by: Elizabeth Peterson, Laura A. Rice, Toni Van Denend, and JongHun Sung

Occupational therapists need evidence and resources to support full-time wheelchair (W/C) and scooter users in their efforts to prevent and mange falls during daily activities. Falls are the third leading cause of death resulting from unintentional injury and the most common and dangerous type of accident among W/C and scooter users.

After describing the multifactorial nature of falls among full-time W/C and scooter users and the fall epidemiology for this population, the webinar covers factors associated with falls among W/C and scooter users, and descriptions of priority fall prevention and management strategies for full-time W/C and scooter users. Specific topics addressed include W/C and scooter transfer skills, exercises to improve seated postural control, methods to manage environmental risk factors, fall recovery strategies, symptom management, and use and maintenance of assistive technology. The webinar will also include a case-based activity to compare and contrast the intervention strategies described.

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Describe strategies to educate full-time wheelchair and scooter users about fall prevention and management strategies, that are informed by an appreciation of the multifactorial nature of falls, available evidence, and experience in interprofessional collaborative practice.
  2. Identify solutions to common challenges encountered when delivering fall prevention and fall management education for full-time wheelchair and scooter users seen in clinical settings.

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice)

Elizabeth Peterson, Laura A. Rice, Toni Van Denend, and JongHun Sung
Option individuelle ou de groupe
Âge des clients
Adultes (20 à 64 ans)
Personnes âgées (65 ans et +)
Champs de pratique
Technologie d'assistance
Lésion cérébrale/Commotion cérébrale/Lésion médullaire
Évaluations de l'équipement
Vivre indépendamment et chez soi
Réadaptation après un accident de la route
Durée approximative
1 heure
Renseignements importants
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