Early identification of functional decline in older adults - Has there been a change? (May 31, 2022)

Early identification of functional decline in older adults - Has there been a change? (May 31, 2022)


Presented by: Dana Corsi

It is common for older adults accessing health care across the continuum to experience functional changes as a result of an acute illness or accumulation of deficits over time. Prompt and effective identification of this change in function is essential for developing care plans and intervention that help realize an older adult’s potential for recovery.

Topics to be explored during the webinar will include defining functional decline (FD), understanding what it is and why it is important, as well as highlighting the relevance and significance for occupational therapists. This webinar will also explore the impact of functional decline at an individual, organizational and system level, including how it can contribute to ageism. Key constructs relative to FD will be reviewed, including baseline function and restorative potential, as well as considerations for FD across the continuum of care. This webinar will also provide a mechanism to quantify and consistently communicate about FD in clinical practice. 

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Recognize the importance of early identification of functional decline in older adults, with a focus on baseline functional status and restorative potential.
  2. Learn and apply a pragmatic approach to early identification of functional decline that can be used across the continuum of care.
  3. Understand the importance and impact of early identification of functional decline at a system level, including relevance to patient flow and moving care upstream.

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice)

Dana Corsi
Option individuelle ou de groupe
Âge des clients
Personnes âgées (65 ans et +)
Champs de pratique
Soins de courte durée
Soins aux personnes atteintes de troubles cardio-respiratoires
Enseignement et supervision de stages
Promotion de la santé et du bien-être
Unité de soins intensifs
Santé mentale
Réadaptation musculosquelettique
Personnes âgées
Assistant(e) de l'ergothérapeute
Soins primaires
Durée approximative
1 heure
Renseignements importants
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