CAOT members have access to additional coverage options through BMS group. Protect your business concerns if you are an owner or if you are self-employed.

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red arrow Clinic Professional Liability Insurance. Think of it as malpractice insurance for your business name.
red arrow Cyber Security & Privacy Liability insurance.  For anyone who maintains or transmits client information electronically, protect you and your business from involvement in a cyber breach or privacy violation.
red arrow Multidiscipline Clinic Professional Liability insurance. Protect your business assets if your business is named in a statement of claim.
red arrow Commercial General Liability insurance. “Slip and fall’ insurance protects against claims arising from injury or property damage that you or your business may cause to another person as a result of your operations and/or premises.
red arrow Employment Practices Liability insurance. For business owners, protect against allegations of employment practice violation, including wrongful termination, discrimination, workplace harassment, and others.
red arrow Legal services, Family & Business legal expense insurance. New! The Legal Services Package provides affordable access to legal protection services, advice (including unlimited access to a confidential 24/7 bilingual helpline), and legal document review.  Coverage is available to individuals, families, or businesses.
red arrow Clinic Package. For those operating a business with contents or property to insure, a comprehensive package including Commercial General Liability coverage, Property Insurance and Crime protection.

Purchase or renew your additional business coverage from BMS Group or contact BMS Group at 1-855-318-6024 or